Crop Profiles

Grain Corn

Corn is a long-season crop that is planted in early May and harvested in October in Manitoba. The bulk of grain corn acres are grown south of the Trans-Canada Highway, but some are grown as far north as the Parkland area.


The Red River Valley is considered the Corn Belt of Manitoba, with the densest corn acres located in this area due to the higher heat unit accumulation that is so important for the growth of long-season crops. Corn arrived in the Red River Valley of Manitoba via trade with First Nations peoples living in the Dakotas and Minnesota.

Corn is primarily grown for animal feed for Manitoba’s livestock industry or for ethanol, produced by Husky Energy in Minnedosa, MB.

End Uses

  • Livestock Feed

  • Industrial (e.g. ethanol)

  • Distilling

Did You Know?

A significant portion of Manitoba’s corn crop is purchased by multinational alcoholic beverage company Diageo for its Gimli distillery, where it is used to produce several Canadian whisky brands, including Crown Royal.

Annual Stats*

  • Manitoba farmers plant

    414,790 acres

  • Manitoba farmers harvest

    1,172,334 tonnes

  • Crop is valued at


  • Exports are valued at


Manitoba Corn Usage**

Seeded Area & Production

Yield: Manitoba vs. Canada

Revenues: Weighted Price

Revenues: Total Value

ExportsTonnes & Export Value

Top Export Destinations**

United Kingdom 98.2%(3,880 t)

USA 1.8%(72 t)

* Seeded area, production and crop value data are an average of the 2018/19 – 2022/23 crop years. Export value data are an average of the 2017/18 – 2021/22 crop years.

** Manitoba Usage and Top Export Destinations data are an average of the 2017/18 – 2021/22 crop years.


SOURCES: LeftField Commodity Research, Statistics Canada, Canadian Grain Commission and Trade Data Monitor
