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Fertilizer use surveys for sunflower, corn, flax, wheat and barley
Crop Types
- Whole Farm
Collaborating Locations
Fertilizer CanadaBackground
Fertilizer Canada performs Fertilizer Use Surveys to track trends in fertilizer use and assess farmer adoption of 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices. In 2021, Manitoba Crop Alliance funded the survey of 102 grain corn, 57 flax, 39 sunflower and 121 spring wheat farmers in Manitoba. The survey was conducted online, and respondents were required to grow a minimum of 300 acres of wheat or 50 acres of corn, flax or sunflowers. The survey provides important information on fertilizer trends and practices and can be a valuable resource to guide research and extension activities.
- Understand how tile drainage impacts yield on heavy clay soils;
- Measure nutrient concentrations in tile water outflows;
- Model results to be applicable to other soil types.
Key Takeaways
- 1. In 2021, 72% of Manitoba farmers report being somewhat or very familiar with the 4R concept, compared to 61% in 2016.
- 79% of Manitoba farmers soil sample their fields for nitrogen every 1-3 years.
- 33% of Manitoba spring wheat growers tailor their fertilizer program field-by-field, more than any other province in Western Canada.
- 20% of the total nitrogen fertilizer volume applied to corn in 2021 was applied as an enhanced efficiency fertilizer.
- Nitrogen fertilizer was applied in the spring on 65% of sunflower acres in Manitoba.
- 11% of flax growers use variable rate technology on their flax acres.