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Corn population and row spacing project

Crop Types
  • Corn
Collaborating Locations


This study evaluated the effect of five plant population densities and two row spacing on corn yield, growth and cob dry down for two hybrids under Manitoba growing conditions. Growing conditions during the study period were very dry. Corn yield was highest between 35,000 and 41,000 plants/acre. There was no effect of row spacing on any measured variables. High plant populations had higher moisture contents than lower populations.


  1. Create a yield density model for corn in central Manitoba for common row spacings
  2. Quantify the impact of corn row spacing and population on corn dry down
  3. Identify a targeted range of plant populations to optimize future research integrating fertilizer rates

Key Takeaways

  • Due to dry conditions, there were no statistical differences in corn grain yield across the wide range of plant population densities studied over three site years in 2018 and 2019.
  • Using regression, we identified that corn grain yield was highest between 35,000 and 41,000 plants ac-1.
  • Row spacing did not influence grain yield or any of the other corn growth measurements in the study.
  • At the two highest population tested (44 000 and 55 000 plants ac-1), corn plants were shorter and had thinner stalks with more biomass but none of these differences but translated into yield differences under the dry conditions of this study.
  • Cob moisture dry down was influenced by corn population with higher plant populations having higher moisture contents than lower populations.



Project Details

Principal Investigator
Dr. Yvonne Lawley
Project Status
Start Date
Completion Date
Funding Partners
Total Project Cost
MCA Funding

Field Issues

  • Seeding
