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Searching for resistance to bacterial leaf streak in wheat and barley

Crop Types
  • Barley
  • Wheat
Collaborating Locations

Bacterial Leaf streak is an emerging disease that has been reported in many cereal-growing regions of the world. The disease has become a recurring problem in the upper midwest of the United States since the early 2000's; currently it is one of the most important foliar diseases in many wheat-growing areas. In Canada, the number of outbreaks reported has been on the rise in the past decade, espicially in southern Alberta. In Saskatchewan, there have been earlier reports from southern areas. In 2022, reports of serious levels of the disease are coming in from all over the irrigated region of Southern Alberta and one durum wheat grower from southeast Saskatchewan. The magnitude of yield loss due to BLS in barley has not been rigorously investigated, although severe infections were estimated to cause up to 15% loss. In wheat, yield losses up to 40% due to this disease have been reported. The disease is know to occur in Manitoba, despite the lack of reports in the last couple of years, the threat is still present.


  1. Screening elite wheat and barley lines from the Crop Development Centre (USASK) in field disease nurseries for Bacterial Leaf Streak (BLS) resistance.
  2. Screen a diverse collection of barley and wheat accessions from Plant Gene Resources of Canada (PGRC) in field disease nursery.
  3. Screen resistant barley and wheat accessions with different isolates under a controlled environment

Project Details

Principal Investigator
Dr. Randy Kutcher
Project Status
Start Date
Completion Date
Funding Partners
Total Project Cost
MCA Funding

Field Issues

  • Disease
