Manitoba Crop Alliance elects officer positions for 2025-26

March 13, 2025 (Carman, MB) – Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) is proud to introduce its new board executive for the upcoming year.

Earlier this week, Jonothan Hodson was elected as chair, Sally Parsonage was elected as vice-chair and Doug Martin was elected as secretary.

Hodson is a fifth-generation farmer from Lenore with a keen interest in on-farm research. His mixed farm features a wide variety of crops in any given year – including spring wheat, canola, soybeans, grain corn, barley, yellow peas and some forage crops – as well as a Black Angus cow/calf operation. Prior to becoming chair, Hodson served as MCA vice-chair for the last three years. He has been an MCA director since 2020 and was a director for one of MCA’s founding organizations (Manitoba Corn Growers Association) prior to the amalgamation. He is also a past director of the Manitoba Angus Association and a current director with the Valleyview Co-op.

“It’s an honour to be elected as chair by my peers on the board,” Hodson says. “MCA is spearheading valuable work to make Manitoba farmers more productive and sustainable. I look forward to continuing to help guide that work and the overall direction of the organization in my new role.”

Parsonage grew up on the family farm northeast of Baldur and became president of Parsonage Farms Ltd. in 2014 after she and her three siblings took over from their parents. Parsonage Farms grows a six-crop rotation of confectionary sunflowers, barley, beans, canola, oats and wheat. Prior to becoming vice-chair, Parsonage served as MCA secretary for one year. She also operates Air Greenway Ltd. with her family, an aerial spraying business that operates two spray planes during fungicide and desiccation season.

Martin is a fourth-generation farmer from East Selkirk, and co-owner and president of Martin Farms Ltd. He farms in partnership with his wife Laurie, as well as his cousin Gerry and Gerry’s wife Kelly. Together, they grow winter wheat, spring wheat, corn, soybeans, oats and canola. He is also a past chair of Winter Cereals Manitoba, a board member for Western Grains Research Foundation and a member of the advisory council for Keystone Agricultural Producers.

MCA would like to thank outgoing chair Robert Misko for his leadership and dedication during his time on the executive.

For more information about MCA’s board of directors and crop committees, visit


For more information, please contact:

Pam de Rocquigny
Chief Executive Officer
Manitoba Crop Alliance         

About Manitoba Crop Alliance:
Manitoba Crop Alliance is a non-profit organization established Aug. 1, 2020, representing more than 7,700 farmer members. Manitoba Crop Alliance puts their farmer members first and strives to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of all crops represented by the organization by focusing on four main areas: research, agronomy, market access and development, and communications. It is through investment in these key areas that Manitoba Crop Alliance can ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax are sustainable production choices for Manitoba farmers. For more information, visit

Research on the Farm – Barley Seeding Rate Trial Summary

Manitoba Crop Alliance’s (MCA) Research on the Farm (ROTF) program conducts scientific research with farmer members using replicated strip trials on commercial fields. Farmer co-operators use their own equipment and management practices to conduct this research. Research projects are developed to investigate current and pressing agronomic questions and provide site-specific answers. More information about the ROTF program and all trial results can be found here.

Barley genetics for both malting and feed varieties have improved over the last decade. Evaluating current seeding rates for new barley varieties was necessary to understand if target plant stand densities are optimized for both grain yield and quality. The purpose of this trial was to investigate the economic and agronomic impact of farmers increasing and decreasing their target plant stands. This was done by having decreased and increased seeding rate treatments compared to the farmers’ normal.

Over the past three years (2022-24) MCA conducted 17 barley seeding rate trials. Throughout the trial period, seeding rates ranged from 78-225 lb/ac. Eleven sites planted feed barley and six sites planted malting barley. CDC Austenson (feed) and AAC Connect (malting) were the most planted varieties

At eight of 17 sites, the seeding rate had a significant impact on plant density. In all cases except one, the highest seeding rate resulted in the highest plant population.

Figure 1. Summary of average barley plant density by seeding rate for all trial sites from 2022 – 2024. Note: Letters indicate significant differences between treatments.

Higher plant densities have been linked to more uniform maturing crops, with increased crop protection product efficiency. Furthermore, increased plant density is an important cultural practice to improve crop weed competition.

Significant yield differences were found at two of the 17 sites (12 per cent). At site BP03-2023, the yields from the normal and high seeding rates were significantly higher than the low seeding rate treatment. At BP02-2024, the low seeding rate treatment was the highest yielding.

Figure 2. Summary of average barley yield by seeding rate for all trial sites from 2022 – 2024. Note: Letters indicate significant differences between treatments.

Overall, at most sites, grain yield was not affected by a change in seeding rate from normal practices. The data from these trials suggests that these farmer participants have a good understanding of the optimal seeding rate for their farm. No statistical analysis was conducted on grain quality.

One last piece of the research puzzle is to understand the impact on profit from changing your seeding rate. The results of a simple profit analysis can be found in Table 1. At 11 of the 17 sites (65 per cent), the lowest seeding rate was most profitable. The higher seeding rates were found to be economical at only two sites. This analysis is looking at the cost of seed only; no other parameters, such as inputs and equipment costs, were included in these calculations.

Table 1. Economic analysis of all trial sites from 2022-2024.

Note: Seed costs are based on Manitoba Agriculture 2024 Cost of Production Guidelines ($12/bu). Barley prices based on Manitoba Agriculture’s Grain and Oilseed price report ($4.63/bu). Net profit calculated based on seeding costs only.

Tone Ag Consulting carries out MCA’s ROTF trials in all six of our crop-types. They assist the farmer with plot planting and harvesting. They also capture and collect key information throughout the growing season, including soil samples, growth stage notes and precipitation data.

MCA-funded research at the 2024 Manitoba Agronomists’ Conference

On Dec. 11 and 12, 2024, Manitoba agronomists met to discuss the latest developments in pest, crop and soil management. This year, the conference theme was “Strategies for Winning Agronomic Battles: A Case Study on Herbicide Resistant Weeds.” Much of the research shared at the Manitoba Agronomists’ Conference was funded in part by Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA). Below is a summary of the posters shared that feature MCA-funded research.

Crop Management

Climate and Fall Shoulder Cover Crops: Where Do They Intersect?  
Emmanuel Agyapong, Afua Mante, Yvonne Lawley, Francis Zvomuya, University of Manitoba

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Response of lodging-related morphological traits of wheat to nitrogen fertilization and plant growth regulator 
Gurnoor Kaur, Ginelle Grenier, Douglas J. Cattani, Pham Anh Tuan, Belay T. Ayele, University of Manitoba

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF

Genomic analysis of preharvest sprouting associated alpha amylase activity in barley  
Rui Wang, Gurkamal Kaur, Belay T Ayele, University of Manitoba, Marta S Izydorczyk, Canadian Grain Commission, Dean Spaner, University of Alberta, Aaron D Beattie, University of Saskatchewan, Ana Badea, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Identification of genetic loci for lodging resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 
Ginelle Grenier, Curt McCartney, Belay T. Ayele, University of Manitoba, Muhammad Iqbal, Dean Spaner, University of Alberta, Gavin Humphreys, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Optimizing Pea Production in Manitoba Rotations: Yield and Quality  
Ramona Mohr, Mohammad Khakbazan, Yong Min Kim, Maria Antonia Henriquez, Monika Gorzelak, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

On-Farm Understandings: Assessing the Impact of Seeding Rates on Wheat and Sunflower Grain Yield and Quality through On-Farm Trials  
Andrew Hector, Morgan Cott, Manitoba Crop Alliance

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Are Intercropped Cover Crops Compatible with Canola Weed Management?  
Janelle Gawiak, Yvonne Lawley, University of Manitoba, Maryse Bourgault, University of Saskatchewan, Linda Gorim, University of Alberta

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Pest Management

Effect of integrated crop management strategies on weed control and crop yield in wheat  
Uthpala Ekanayake, Rob Gulden, Jonathan Rosset, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba, Chris Willenborg, University of Saskatchewan

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Fusarium Head Blight Risk Mapping Tool – 2024 Summary  
Paul Bullock, Timi Ojo, Manasah Mkhabela, Jamie Wan, Taurai Matengu, Henrique Carvalho Dept of Soil Science, University of MB, MB Agriculture

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Assessing crop and weed management impacts on wheat crop and weeds through drone-based remote sensing 
Shirmith Nirmal, Rob Gulden, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba, Steve Shirtliffe, Christian Willenborg, University of Saskatchewan

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Soil Management

Effects of Tile Drainage on Soil Salinity in Southwestern Manitoba Soils  
David Whetter, AgriEarth Consulting Ltd, Bruce Shewfelt, PBS Water Engineering Ltd

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Co-Composting with Struvite: Enhancing Phosphorus Availability in Low-P Prairie Soils  
Amanda Desrochers, Inoka Amarakoon, Joanne Thiessen Martens, University of Manitoba

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

Linking Optimal Nitrogen Management Practices to Soil Moisture Conditions
Carlie Johnston, Xiaopeng Gao, Rotimi Ojo, University of Manitoba, Ramona Mohr, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

            (Abstract) (Poster PDF)

During the soil management session, MCA whole farm specialist Ashley Ammeter also presented on the topic of crop residue management. A recording of that presentation is available on the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences YouTube Channel.

For a full list of poster presentations and speakers from the 2024 conference, visit the Manitoba Agronomists’ Conference website. Recordings of all presentations from the conference are available on the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences YouTube Channel.

Thank you to the conference partners, University of Manitoba, Manitoba Agriculture and the Prairie Certified Crop Advisor Board, for hosting an excellent conference!

Manitoba Crop Alliance awards six post-secondary students with 2024-25 bursaries

Feb. 26, 2025 (Carman, MB) – Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) has awarded six post-secondary students from Manitoba with MCA 2024-25 bursaries valued at $2,000 each. The six bursary recipients are Mika Cleave from Ochre River, Noah Kaminsky from Brunkild, Chad Pouteau from Mariapolis, Layne Thompson from Ochre River, Jadyn Wiebe from Plum Coulee, and Abby Mazier from Justice.

“Educating and inspiring the next generation is a strategic priority for our organization,” says MCA chair Robert Misko. “Each of our bursary recipients has chosen to pursue their passion and expand their knowledge, and I hope they will eventually use that knowledge and passion to advance our industry.”

MCA established these bursaries to assist with the financial needs of students who are enrolled in a post-secondary agricultural program within the province of Manitoba.

An independent selection committee was contracted to evaluate the applicants based on their connection to or interest in agriculture, explanation of why they decided to enrol in an agriculture-related post-secondary program, how they hope to benefit the agriculture industry once they have graduated and are in the workforce, and their academics and writing skills.

This year, the selection committee included Curtis Cavers, an agronomist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada based in Portage la Prairie, and Loveleen Kaur Dhillon, the agronomist in residence for special crops at the University of Manitoba.

For more information about the MCA 2024-25 bursary program and to read biographies of the recipients, visit


For more information, please contact:

Cole Christensen
Communications Manager
Manitoba Crop Alliance

About Manitoba Crop Alliance:
Manitoba Crop Alliance is a non-profit organization established Aug. 1, 2020, representing more than 7,700 farmer members. Manitoba Crop Alliance puts their farmer members first and strives to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of all crops represented by the organization by focusing on four main areas: research, agronomy, market access and development, and communications. It is through investment in these key areas that Manitoba Crop Alliance can ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax are sustainable production choices for Manitoba farmers. For more information, visit

Meet Manitoba Crop Alliance’s 2024-25 post-secondary bursary recipients

MCA_2024-25 PS Bursary Recipients Graphic_X

Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) is proud to support agriculture’s next generation. MCA’s bursary program is designed to assist with the financial needs of students pursuing education in a field that will benefit the agriculture sector.

Six post-secondary students from Manitoba have been awarded with MCA 2024-25 bursaries valued at $2,000 each. The 2024-25 bursary recipients are Mika Cleave from Ochre River, Noah Kaminsky from Brunkild, Chad Pouteau from Mariapolis, Layne Thompson from Ochre River, Jadyn Wiebe from Plum Coulee, and Abby Mazier from Justice.

“Educating and inspiring the next generation is a strategic priority for our organization,” says MCA chair Robert Misko. “Each of our bursary recipients has chosen to pursue their passion and expand their knowledge, and I hope they will eventually use that knowledge and passion to advance our industry.”

Bursary applicants needed to meet the following criteria:

  • Have completed a minimum of one year (two terms) of post-secondary education at the college or university level (diploma or degree) and are enrolled full-time for the 2024-25 school year in an agricultural program within Canada.
  • Have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
  • Have an interest in wheat (spring or winter), corn, barley, flax or sunflower crops, or agriculture in general, as demonstrated in a brief, one-page letter.
  • Are from a farm that is a member in good standing with MCA
  • Have not previously been awarded an MCA post-secondary bursary (past high school bursary recipients remain eligible for a post-secondary bursary).

An independent selection committee was contracted to evaluate the applicants based on their connection to or interest in agriculture, explanation of why they decided to enrol in an agriculture-related post-secondary program, how they hope to benefit the agriculture industry once they have graduated and are in the workforce, and their academics and writing skills.

This year, the selection committee included Curtis Cavers, an agronomist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada based in Portage la Prairie, and Loveleen Kaur Dhillon, the agronomist in residence for special crops at the University of Manitoba.

Born and raised in southern Manitoba, Cavers holds a bachelor of science in agriculture, majoring in soil science, and a master’s degree from the University of Manitoba. Prior to assuming her current role at the University of Manitoba, Dhillon completed her PhD in plant science at the University of Saskatchewan and was working as a post-doctoral fellow.

Thank you to the selection committee for evaluating the bursary applications and congratulations to the 2024-25 bursary recipients!

Meet the MCA 2024-25 bursary recipients


Manitoba Crop Alliance launches 2025 APP cash advance program

Feb. 25, 2025 (Carman, MB) – Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) is now accepting applications for 2025 Advance Payments Program (APP) cash advances, with funds to be issued starting April 1.

The APP is a federal loan program administered by MCA. It offers Canadian farmers marketing flexibility through interest-free and low-interest cash advances. Under the program, eligible farmers are eligible to receive up to $1 million, with the Government of Canada paying the interest on the first $100,000 of the advance for the 2025 program year.

For the 2025 program year, MCA’s interest rate on interest-bearing cash advances is prime – 0.50 per cent. This interest-bearing rate is competitive with other APP administrators, major banks and credit unions. MCA is also maintaining a low, one-time application fee of $250 for the 2025 program year.

To correspond with the start of the 2025 spring program, MCA has launched a new APP cash advance website: The site was designed to improve the user experience for APP cash advance clients, with a streamlined layout and a new client portal that will be available soon.

“The new website is a one-stop-shop for our cash advance clients, with application forms, key deadlines and other important information presented in a format that is easier than ever to navigate,” says MCA COO Darcelle Graham. “This is just one more way we can ensure our clients receive the exceptional service they deserve when they come to us for a cash advance.”

To apply for an advance under the 2025 program year, farmers can visit, or phone the MCA office at 1-204-745-6661 or toll-free 1-877-598-5685 to request an application form.

MCA also continues to process applications for the 2024 program year on over 35 crop kinds and honey until March 14.

If farmers would like to be notified regarding APP-specific information, please email to be added to the subscriber list. More information about the APP cash advance program can be found at


For more information, please contact:

Darcelle Graham
Chief Operating Officer
Manitoba Crop Alliance

About Manitoba Crop Alliance:
Manitoba Crop Alliance is a non-profit organization established Aug. 1, 2020, representing more than 7,700 farmer members. Manitoba Crop Alliance puts their farmer members first and strives to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of all crops represented by the organization by focusing on four main areas: research, agronomy, market access and development, and communications. It is through investment in these key areas that Manitoba Crop Alliance can ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax are sustainable production choices for Manitoba farmers. For more information, visit

Hiroshi Kubota, research scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Follow @HiroshiKubota2 on X.
Follow @HiroshiKubota2 on X.

Hiroshi Kubota is a research scientist in sustainable cropping systems at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada’s (AAFC) Lacombe Research and Development Centre (RDC). Originally from Japan, he earned his bachelor of science in agriculture at the Tokyo University of Agriculture, focusing on tropical agriculture.

Kubota lives in Lacombe, AB, with his wife and two young daughters.

Where did you work before AAFC?

After I graduated from my undergraduate degree, I travelled for a couple of years. I went to Papua New Guinea and Australia before returning to Japan to save money for my graduate studies in Canada. I came to Canada in 2009 and did my master’s degree in plant science at the University of Alberta. After I completed my master’s, I continued my PhD there before starting my current position with AAFC.

What got you interested in this area of work?

My uncle’s volunteer work as a science teacher in Africa influenced my interest in agriculture. Growing up without the internet, I was fascinated by his stories and the photos he shared – both the positive and challenging aspects of life in Africa.

One story about children suffering from poverty and malnutrition made me want to help. The first thing that came to mind was medicine, but I quickly realized I did not like the sight of blood.

That is when I started to think about agriculture as a career and chose to study in Japan. I was not from a farm family. Everything I learned about agriculture at university fascinated me, and I enjoyed my time there. After graduation, I was ready to volunteer in Africa when the program was cancelled. I was still interested in agriculture and decided to come to Canada to learn more about crop production here.

Tell us a bit about what you’re working on at AAFC.

In my daily work at AAFC, I spend time developing new research ideas that resonate with current and future challenges that farmers face. I make it a priority to connect with colleagues and stakeholders through various channels. I feel fortunate to work with a dedicated and experienced technical team, which enables me to focus on the broader aspects of our research instead of needing to check the plots every day. Together, we are trying to address the issues.

Now I’m the lead of the GROW Barley framework for the next seven years. My focus is on improving barley agronomy in Western Canada. Good agronomy is critical to improving competitiveness with other crops. Significant investments by industry and government are made in variety development, but the adoption of those new varieties is slow compared to other crops due to the complexity of the barley industry.

There are several barley agronomy studies underway in Western Canada. Through the GROW Barley framework, I intend to address gaps in existing or ongoing barley agronomy research activities. The first GROW Barley project was supported for funding, and I am excited about starting the project this spring.

Outside of GROW Barley, I am leading three barley-related projects this year and am grateful for the industry’s support for this research. The first project focuses on determining optimal seeding rates of five new feed barley varieties from different genetic backgrounds, including varieties from Western Crop Innovation, the University of Saskatchewan, AAFC Brandon and Nutrien. The other two projects are malting barley studies evaluating agronomic practices to achieve uniform maturity.

What can you say about the value of farmers providing funding and support to your organization?

Support and funding from farmers are invaluable to me as a research scientist. I’m fortunate to be in Western Canada, where both industry partners and farmers actively contribute to advancing research. This funding makes it possible for me to conduct work that directly benefits farmers, and I am deeply grateful for the trust and support I have received. It motivates me to ensure the research I conduct delivers practical, meaningful outcomes for the agricultural community.

How does that farmer funding and support directly benefit farmers?

When considering research projects, I review research priorities from crop commissions and, when possible, speak directly with farmers. Since the crop commissions represent farmers, I trust that I’m hearing their key challenges. My focus is on developing research ideas that are practical and beneficial, ensuring the outcomes have a direct impact on the farm.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

Outside of work I like to do physical activities, although with two little kids it can be hard to find time for hobbies! I love skiing and swimming. I used to be on a competitive swimming team from Grade 6 to 12 in Japan.

What is the best part about your job?

Connecting with stakeholders in the industry. As a relatively new research scientist, and a non-Canadian-born one, it is important for me to understand Canadian agricultural systems as much as I can. Farmers, industry stakeholders, commodity organizations and colleagues are always welcome to share their thoughts, experiences and challenges. This collaboration helps me to provide the best scientific information possible.

How do you celebrate agriculture?

I love eating and cooking, and I try to eat locally grown crops as much as I can. My kids are two and five, and we try to let them experience any agriculture-related activities as much as we can.

What’s your favourite movie?

I am a huge fan of Star Wars.

Follow @HiroshiKubota2 on X.

University of Manitoba hires first agronomist in residence for special crops

Feb. 12, 2025 (Carman, MB; Winnipeg, MB) – The University of Manitoba has hired Loveleen Kaur Dhillon as its agronomist in residence for special crops, a new, five-year position funded by Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA).

MCA recognized a gap in research capacity for special crops (i.e., corn, sunflower and flax) in Manitoba and identified this position as an opportunity to expand applied agronomy research for these crops. Research outcomes over these five years will lead to recommendation-based results, addressing agronomic challenges and contributing to the advancement of the special crops industry in Manitoba.

“MCA strives to fund meaningful research that advances all the crop types we represent, but this can sometimes be difficult for the smaller-acreage crops,” says Jonothan Hodson, MCA vice-chair and corn crop committee delegate.

“This position will boost research capacity for these underserved crops and ensure they remain productive and sustainable options for all our farmer members.”

Dhillon has a PhD from the University of Saskatchewan, with a specialization in plant breeding and agronomy. She is eager to engage with the special crops industry to develop an impactful research program that provides significant return on investment for Manitoba farmers.

“This hiring is the culmination of a long process that saw us look at many potential ways to increase research capacity for corn, sunflower and flax in Manitoba,” says Katherine Stanley, research program manager for special crops with MCA.

“Loveleen brings a lot of valuable experience and enthusiasm to the role, and we’re excited to work with her to advance the special crops industry in the province.”

The agronomist in residence for special crops will develop an applied research program focused on identifying best management practices for Manitoba corn, sunflower and flax farmers. They will also communicate research results and increase knowledge transfer between the University of Manitoba and Manitoba’s special crops industry.

“We welcome Loveleen to the University of Manitoba into an important role that will carry out practical farm-level research and share best practices to producers. She will also help foster the next generation of agricultural leaders through hands-on training and mentorship,” says Martin Scanlon, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba.


For more information, please contact:

Cole Christensen
Communications Manager
Manitoba Crop Alliance

Crystal Jorgenson
Communications Specialist
Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
University of Manitoba

About Manitoba Crop Alliance:
Manitoba Crop Alliance is a non-profit organization established Aug. 1, 2020, representing more than 7,700 farmer members. Manitoba Crop Alliance puts their farmer members first and strives to continuously improve the competitiveness and profitability of all crops represented by the organization by focusing on four main areas: research, agronomy, market access and development, and communications. It is through investment in these key areas that Manitoba Crop Alliance can ensure wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax are sustainable production choices for Manitoba farmers. For more information, visit

Steve Robinson, research scientist, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada


Working in the world of epigenetics, Steve Robinson is a research Scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). Robinson was born and raised in Dudley, England, and has studied genetics nearly all his life. He began his post-secondary education studying genetics at the University of Birmingham, earned a PhD in molecular genetics from Newcastle University and studied at the John Innes Centre in Norwich before moving to Canada as a postdoctoral researcher.

He lives in Saskatoon with his wife and daughter.

What got you interested in this area of work?

Well, genetics seemed to be the area where you could be the most experimental in biology. This, combined with advances in molecular biology, I found fascinating. As an undergraduate student I found there were descriptive areas of biology that interested me less, and I was more drawn to experiments involving heritable traits – seeing changes occur over generations. I guess I have always been fascinated by genetics.

When I went to Norwich to begin my graduate research, my PhD supervisor, Derek Lydiate, moved the lab from Norwich to Saskatoon, bringing other Brits along with him. I was able to make many contacts while visiting and that is how we ended up here in sunny Saskatoon.

Tell us a bit about what you are working on at AAFC.

My work in the lab focuses on gene regulation and I’m particularly interested in the challenges resulting from polyploidy. I’m primarily working in canola and wheat, with the goal of improving these crops.

In one ongoing project, we are developing a method to introduce valuable genes from wild relatives into canola, breaking critical hybridization barriers. In another project, “Next Generation Fungicides: Translating dsRNA technology from the lab into the field,” funded partially by Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA), we are trying to control Fusarium head blight (FHB) in wheat using RNA interference (RNAi). This approach involves trying to silence essential genes in pathogens, so you can spray double-stranded RNA onto the crop and, in this case, it would provide protection against Fusarium graminearum.

This project began in 2017 as a basic research project and has evolved into technology we are now testing in the field. Over the past eight years, we have advanced successes developed in the lab, and following engagement with the Canadian pesticide regulator (PMRA) to obtain research permits, we are now collaborating with other AAFC and external researchers evaluating the potential of RNAi in small, field-scale trials. Our goal is to develop new fungicidal controls that are safe to people and the environment, targeting only the pathogen of interest.

In another project funded partially by MCA, “Breeding hardier crops for SK: Dynamic phenotyping to dissect component of water stress in wheat,” we are screening a collection of wheat diversity using new equipment called a Plant Array Lysimeter. This measures transpiration and allows us to apply precise irrigation treatments to individual plants. We are screening for differential responses to drought stress. Our goal is to identify the genes that allow for greater production under drought conditions.

What can you say about the value of farmers providing funding and support to your organization?

This funding is critical. In fact, almost all my funding comes from farmers and producer groups. Without their support, we could not do the innovative experiments we envision. We are incredibly grateful to this system of funding that is available, as it ensures we focus on goals of importance to the Prairies. It complements the funding opportunities available within AAFC.

How does that farmer funding and support directly benefit farmers?

The work done in my lab takes time to reach the field. Take the RNAi-based fungicide project as an example. Within eight years, we have gone from exploring the potential of the idea all the way to conducting field trials. As these field trials progress, we will be looking for a commercial partner to bring the technology to market. When that happens, it will provide another solution for farmers to use in their arsenal to combat plant diseases and protect their yields.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

I enjoy playing most sports. Being from England, I’ve always played football, although here it is called soccer. I play on a couple of teams regularly; it gets me away from work and is a good distraction. Since moving to Canada, we enjoy skiing, so we try to ski whenever we can. If only Saskatoon was closer to the mountains.

What is the best part about your job?

The freedom to develop new ideas and design experiments to test them. There is great reward when you get to see the excitement of experiments working! At AAFC I work in a department that possesses resources to combine basic and applied research. That means we can take positive developments from the lab and bring them to the field within the same department, which has great value.

Who or what inspires you?

The people I work with. Their dedication and ability to turn ideas I have sketched out on paper into reality is incredible. It is important to recognize and retain these talents. Seeing the experiments succeed together is inspiring.

The Focal Point: Winter 2025 Edition

Download The Focal Point Winter 2025 Edition (pdf)


Table of Contents

  • Meet a Researcher: GROW Barley lead strives to advance barley agronomy 
  • Bulking up: Exploring sunflower protein potential
  • Corn vs. the cold: Pushing the boundaries of early seeding and emergence
  • Need for speed: Accelerated breeding strategy for flax improvement
  • Under pressure: Researching solutions to soil compaction
  • Cutting-edge crops: Modernizing winter wheat production systems 
  • Research by the numbers