Research on the Farm (ROTF)

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Winter Wheat Seeding Rate-All

  • Winter Wheat
  • Manitoba


Significant plant stand differences were observed between seeding rate treatments in both the fall and spring plant counts. Four out of the five sites that were taken to yield had significant fall plant stands difference, with the lowest seeding rate always having the lowest plant density.  One out of the five sites taken to yield had significant spring plant stand density differences. All sites reach or surpassed the recommended plant stand density for winter wheat of 20-30 plant/ft2.

There were no significant yield differences observed between seeding rate treatments. At most sites, the lowest seeding rate had the highest yield, but not statistically significant. As seeding rate increased there was a decrease in profits. The lowest seeding rate was the most profitable at all trial sites. Saving approximately $8.50/ac compared to the normal rate.

Note: Trials were established in the fall of the year previous. 


