Aug. 1, 2020

Resulting from the significant collaborative efforts on the part of the steering committee and the support from the respective memberships, Manitoba Farm Products Marketing Council and Manitoba Agriculture, Manitoba Crop Alliance, Inc. was officially launched.

Sept. 19, 2019

It was announced the amalgamation vote would occur in February 2020 at the respective organizations’ annual general special meetings (AGSMs).

January & February 2019

Webinars were held and presentations were given at the five annual general meetings to provide information to members on the revised proposal.

January and February 2018

A round of in-person consultations took place, in addition to presentations at the five annual general meetings of the organizations, to hear from members on the proposal. Based on feedback received, the steering committee began work to develop a revised proposal.

June 22, 2017

Synthesis Agri-Food Network was hired to work with the steering committee composed of two directors from each organization to develop a proposal for the five memberships to consider.

May 1, 2017

Five commodity organizations (Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association, Manitoba Corn Growers Association, Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers, Manitoba Flax Growers Association and the National Sunflower Association of Canada) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU). The MOU was to work towards merging into one organization to increase efficiencies and maximize profitability and sustainability for Manitoba farmers.

Dec. 12, 2018

A revised proposal was released to farmer members that addressed the concerns heard during the first consultation period and reflected the new composition of commodity groups involved.

Nov. 22, 2018

Winter Cereals Manitoba, Inc. joined the process and became part of the steering committee.

July 30, 2018

Manitoba Pulse and Soybean Growers stepped back from the process. The steering committee, now composed of directors from the remaining four commodity groups, re-affirmed its commitment to allow the respective memberships to decide on a potential amalgamation and, therefore, continued its work looking at legal amalgamation as part of the proposal.
