MCA-funded research at the 2024 Manitoba Agronomists’ Conference
On Dec. 11 and 12, 2024, Manitoba agronomists met to discuss the latest developments in pest, crop and soil management. This year, the conference theme was “Strategies for Winning Agronomic Battles: A Case Study on Herbicide Resistant Weeds.” Much of the research shared at the Manitoba Agronomists’ Conference was funded in part by Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA). Below is a summary of the posters shared that feature MCA-funded research.
Crop Management
Climate and Fall Shoulder Cover Crops: Where Do They Intersect?
Emmanuel Agyapong, Afua Mante, Yvonne Lawley, Francis Zvomuya, University of Manitoba
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Response of lodging-related morphological traits of wheat to nitrogen fertilization and plant growth regulator
Gurnoor Kaur, Ginelle Grenier, Douglas J. Cattani, Pham Anh Tuan, Belay T. Ayele, University of Manitoba
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Genomic analysis of preharvest sprouting associated alpha amylase activity in barley
Rui Wang, Gurkamal Kaur, Belay T Ayele, University of Manitoba, Marta S Izydorczyk, Canadian Grain Commission, Dean Spaner, University of Alberta, Aaron D Beattie, University of Saskatchewan, Ana Badea, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Identification of genetic loci for lodging resistance in spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Ginelle Grenier, Curt McCartney, Belay T. Ayele, University of Manitoba, Muhammad Iqbal, Dean Spaner, University of Alberta, Gavin Humphreys, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Optimizing Pea Production in Manitoba Rotations: Yield and Quality
Ramona Mohr, Mohammad Khakbazan, Yong Min Kim, Maria Antonia Henriquez, Monika Gorzelak, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
On-Farm Understandings: Assessing the Impact of Seeding Rates on Wheat and Sunflower Grain Yield and Quality through On-Farm Trials
Andrew Hector, Morgan Cott, Manitoba Crop Alliance
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Are Intercropped Cover Crops Compatible with Canola Weed Management?
Janelle Gawiak, Yvonne Lawley, University of Manitoba, Maryse Bourgault, University of Saskatchewan, Linda Gorim, University of Alberta
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Pest Management
Effect of integrated crop management strategies on weed control and crop yield in wheat
Uthpala Ekanayake, Rob Gulden, Jonathan Rosset, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba, Chris Willenborg, University of Saskatchewan
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Fusarium Head Blight Risk Mapping Tool – 2024 Summary
Paul Bullock, Timi Ojo, Manasah Mkhabela, Jamie Wan, Taurai Matengu, Henrique Carvalho Dept of Soil Science, University of MB, MB Agriculture
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Assessing crop and weed management impacts on wheat crop and weeds through drone-based remote sensing
Shirmith Nirmal, Rob Gulden, Dilshan Benaragama, University of Manitoba, Steve Shirtliffe, Christian Willenborg, University of Saskatchewan
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Soil Management
Effects of Tile Drainage on Soil Salinity in Southwestern Manitoba Soils
David Whetter, AgriEarth Consulting Ltd, Bruce Shewfelt, PBS Water Engineering Ltd
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Co-Composting with Struvite: Enhancing Phosphorus Availability in Low-P Prairie Soils
Amanda Desrochers, Inoka Amarakoon, Joanne Thiessen Martens, University of Manitoba
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
Linking Optimal Nitrogen Management Practices to Soil Moisture Conditions
Carlie Johnston, Xiaopeng Gao, Rotimi Ojo, University of Manitoba, Ramona Mohr, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
(Abstract) (Poster PDF)
During the soil management session, MCA whole farm specialist Ashley Ammeter also presented on the topic of crop residue management. A recording of that presentation is available on the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences YouTube Channel.
For a full list of poster presentations and speakers from the 2024 conference, visit the Manitoba Agronomists’ Conference website. Recordings of all presentations from the conference are available on the University of Manitoba Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences YouTube Channel.
Thank you to the conference partners, University of Manitoba, Manitoba Agriculture and the Prairie Certified Crop Advisor Board, for hosting an excellent conference!