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Flax Fungicide Treatment- All
- Flax
- Manitoba
Background Information
- Pasmo is the most influential disease of flax. It can begin as early as the vegetative stages, but more commonly occurs during seed fill.
- Losses are most often a result of early-onset and disrupt seed fill. Infections occurring after seed filling is complete do not affect yield, but losses can still occur due to weakened bolls.
- Application of fungicide was done at stage 8.
Fungicides registered in Manitoba for pasmo in flax are Acapela, Dyax, pyraclostrobin products (Headline/Preach/ Raclos only), and Priaxor (while available).
Both sites had a treatment of Dyax fungicide. FF01 applied Dyax at a rate of 80 ac/jug, while FF02 applied at a stronger rate of 60 ac/jug.
Neither of the two sites in this trial showed significant yield differences. FF02 has unremarkable quality data. In effect, there appears to be no impact on quality with the application of a fungicide at growth stage 8.