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Protocol Status
Protocol Status
Section Title
Nitrogen Fixing Biological Product and Reduced Nitrogen Rate
Crop Type
- Corn
- Wheat
- Manitoba
The purpose of this project is to quantify the agronomic impacts of a nitrogen fixing biological product (Envita®) along with a reduced nitrogen rate on grain corn and spring wheat for yield and grain quality.
- All the fertilizer treatments will be applied at the time of planting
- The reduced rate of Nitrogen will be about 80% of the full rate (a minimum reduction of at least 30 lbs N is recommended).
- Plant the same variety throughout the entire trial. Use the same planting rate for all treatments.
- Envita will be foliar applied at the 2-4 leaf stage (V2-V8). Follow labelled instructions and rates.
- The width of a strip must be at least as wide as a full combine header, preferably wider to ensure at least one “pure” combine pass per each treatment. The minimum harvested length should be 300 meters.
- All treatments should be harvested on the same day with each treatment being weighed off using a calibrated weigh wagon.
Grower Requirements
- Supply information (if unknown prior to planting) on location, planting date, variety, fertility, cropping history, etc. by June 30.
- Areas containing waterways and headlands should be avoided. All other factors in the trial area must be managed the same (planting date, variety, fertility, ).
- Note any significant weather events throughout the growing season, such as high winds, hail, or extreme precipitation events.
- Areas containing waterways and headlands should be avoided. All other factors in the trial area must be treated the same.
- Notify project coordinator prior to application so fields can be scouted prior to and after application of product.
- Alert project coordinator of expected harvest date and ensure all treatments are harvested the same day into a weigh wagon/calibrated grain cart, and that grain samples can be secured for protein and moisture content analysis.
- Allow MCA to use data for research, educational and information purposes.
- Must be a member in good standing with the MCA.
3rd Party Contractor Partners:
- MCA utilizes third party agronomic contractor services to assist and run on-farm trials.
- MCA will cover the cost of these services, there is no cost to the participant.
- Contractors authorized to conduct this trial on behalf of MCA are:
- Tone Ag Consulting
MCA and Partners agree to:
- Attempt to collect aerial images from each field and provide them to the grower at no
- Set up trial with growers in field, soil sample, do plant counts after planting but before harvest, weigh individual strips with weigh wagon, take a harvest sample.
- Provide a report analyzing the statistical and economical treatment
- Keep data in a confidential manner that cannot be linked back to the individual producer by other parties.
Benefits to Growers:
- Access to the latest research which can be adapted to your
- Creating a crop production database for your local
- Higher quality of data – multiple evaluations across numerous farms under different management styles, soil types and cropping
A biofertility product (Envita) can be used to fulfill the mid to late season nitrogen fertility gap in a variety of crop types by nitrogen fixation. Envita claims an average increase in corn yields when applied in conjunction of a growers 100% nitrogen fertility rate, or the reduction of a grower’s nitrogen fertility rate of up to 27% while maintaining average corn yields. These results occurred 73-80% of the time.