
Manitoba Crop Alliance has identified research as a key priority for investment, driving Manitoba farms to a more productive and sustainable outcome.

Manitoba Crop Alliance’s (MCA) research program invests in innovative research that is designed to help members be more productive and sustainable. Investments will be made towards meaningful, independent research and valuable knowledge as outlined in our strategic plan.

MCA has six crops that are of interest for crop-specific research:

We take pride in the role farmer members play in identifying research priorities and initiatives. If you are interested in contributing to discussions about research that could impact your farm, consider becoming a crop committee delegate! Learn more about delegates and how to get involved here.

Crop-Specific Research Priorities

Whole Farm Research

In addition to crop-specific research, Whole Farm research is a major priority for MCA. We know farmers grow a wide variety of crops and often encounter broader issues that warrant research. The Whole Farm research program supports cross-commodity research. This research is not crop specific and addresses complex research needs of diverse cropping systems across Manitoba. Two delegates from each crop committee serve on the whole farm committee to ensure all MCA crop types are represented.

For information about current and completed Whole Farm research projects, click here.

How MCA invests in research

MCA addresses identified research priorities through collaboration with provincial and federal funding programs, internal calls (like our whole farm and special crops call for LOIs). We support many public and private researchers in the development of research that is mutually beneficial. More information about how MCA reviews projects for funding is available here.

Additionally, MCA leads a Research on the Farm program and supports numerous variety evaluation trials, including ones for corn and sunflowers, which provide unique opportunities for the creation of valuable data that can help farmers make informed decisions for their operations.

Whole Farm research priorities

  • Pest management
    • Insects, diseases, weeds, herbicide resistance
  • Cover cropping / intercropping
  • Farm management and economics
  • Soil management and health
  • Crop rotations and innovation
  • Water management
  • Climate resilience