News & Events

Bursary Program

Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) is proud to support agriculture’s next generation. The MCA bursary program is designed to assist with the financial needs of post-secondary and high school students who are, or will soon be, pursuing education in a field that will benefit the agriculture sector.

Today’s students are the future leaders of our industry, and we are excited to see how the next generation will make their mark on agriculture in Manitoba. Based on the high quality of the applications we have received and the bursary recipients we have selected since the program was founded, the future of our industry is bright!

High School Bursaries

MCA offers six $1,000 bursaries to assist with the financial needs of students who are graduating high school in the 2024-25 school year and are planning on continuing their education at a Canadian college or university in a field that will benefit the agriculture sector.

To qualify for a bursary, students must:

  • Be graduating high school in the 2024-25 school year
  • Be from a farm that is a member in good standing with MCA*
  • Be enrolled in a continuing education program (college/university) to begin in 2025

*To be considered “from a farm” the applicant must be a member of MCA or have a parent/guardian/spouse who is a member of MCA. MCA may contact applicants for further information to confirm membership, and failure to provide sufficient proof of membership or relationship to a member will result in disqualification. If you are unsure of your farm’s standing with MCA, please email with the legal farm/farmer’s name.

To apply, applicants must submit a package that contains the following:

  • Working copy of high school transcript 
  • Proof of acceptance to a continuing education program
  • An application letter that is a maximum of one page in length and includes the following information:
    • The farm in good standing with MCA the applicant is from and how they are associated with the farm
    • The applicant’s connection or interest in agriculture
    • What program they are enrolled in, why they decided to enrol in the program to continue their education after high school and how they plan to use this schooling to better the agriculture industry
  • A letter of reference from a non-parent/ guardian or family member that speaks to the applicant’s character, leadership and strengths

Note: To qualify for this bursary, the applicant does not need to be taking an agriculture-specific program, but they must clearly articulate how the program they plan on taking will help them benefit the agriculture industry. Examples include (but are not limited to) heavy-duty equipment mechanic, logistics or supply chain management, business, engineering, biology, chemistry, software development, agriculture equipment technician, agriculture diploma, agronomy, etc.

Successful applicants will be featured on MCA social media accounts and in MCA publications, including The Fence Post magazine and Heads Up e-newsletter.

This is an independent scholarship with a selection committee contracted outside of Manitoba Crop Alliance.

Post-Secondary Bursaries

Every year, bursaries valued at $2,000 each are available and will be awarded to six students who:

  • Have completed a minimum of one year (two terms) of post-secondary education at the college or university level (diploma or degree) and are enrolled full-time for the 2024-25 school year in an agricultural program within Canada.
  • Have achieved a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0.
  • Have an interest in wheat (spring or winter), corn, barley, flax or sunflower crops, or agriculture in general, as demonstrated in a brief, one-page letter.
  • Are from a farm that is a member in good standing with MCA
  • Have not previously been awarded an MCA post-secondary bursary (past high school bursary recipients remain eligible for a post-secondary bursary).

If you are unsure of your farm’s standing with MCA, please email with the legal farm/farmer’s name.

Applicants must submit an application letter and unofficial transcript. The application letter should be a maximum of one page and should include the following information: (i) their connection to or interest in agriculture, (ii) why they decided to enrol in an agriculture-related post-secondary program, and (iii) how they hope to contribute to the agriculture industry once they have graduated and are in the workforce. The application should also indicate the name of the farm in good standing with MCA the applicant is from.

Successful applicants  will be featured on MCA social media accounts and in MCA publications, including The Fence Post magazine and Heads Up e-newsletter.

This is an independent scholarship with a selection committee contracted outside of MCA.

Past Recipients

How to apply

High school bursary applications can be emailed to Madison Kostal at with the subject line “MCA High School Bursary Application 2024-25” on or before May 2, 2025, at 4:30 p.m. CST. Successful applicants will be notified by July 4, 2025.

The 2024-25 post-secondary bursary application period is now closed. Please check back in October 2025 for details about our 2025-26 post-secondary bursaries.

For more information, please contact:

Madison Kostal
Research & Production Coordinator
Manitoba Crop Alliance

