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Protocol Status
Protocol Status
Section Title
Barley Seed Treatment
Crop Type
- Manitoba
The purpose of this project is to quantify the impact of a seed treatment on Barley.
- The grower will plant a Malt or Feed type barley variety.
- The grower will manage their crop as per their normal best management practices.
- The grower will plant 4 strips of seed treated with a seed treatment, alternating with untreated seed.
- Strips should be full length of the field (minimum 1000 ft.) and width to allow for a full “pure” pass with combine header.
Grower Requirements
- Accurately record soil test results, variety, seeding date and rate, previous cropping history (rotation, fertilizer rates), tillage practices, fertilizer rates and application timing.
- Accurately record where all treatments are within the field.
- Note any significant weather events throughout the growing season, such as high winds, hail, or extreme precipitation events.
- Areas containing waterways and headlands should be avoided. All other factors in the trial area must be treated the same.
- Alert trial coordinator of expected harvest date and ensure all treatments are harvested the same day into a weigh wagon/calibrated grain cart, and that grain samples can be secured for seed moisture and seed quality analysis.
- Allow MCA to use data for research, educational and information purposes.
- Must be a member in good standing with the MCA.
3rd Party Contractor Partners:
- MCA utilizes third party agronomic contractor services to assist and run on-farm trials.
- MCA will cover the cost of these services, there is no cost to the participant.
- Contractors authorized to conduct this trial on behalf of MCA are:
- Tone Ag Consulting
MCA and Partners agree to:
- Be available during seeding and harvesting.
- Take various measurements, including stand establishment, height, lodging and crop maturity.
- Provide a report analyzing the statistical and economical treatment differences.
- Keep data in a confidential manner that cannot be linked back to the individual grower by other parties.
Benefits to Growers:
- Access to the latest research that can be applied to their farm.
- Determine profitability of the practices.
- Learn accepted on-farm testing procedures.