About Manitoba Crop Alliance

Check-Off Information

Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA) invests check-off dollars in research and production, market development and access, advocacy, communications and operations. Through MCA’s board of directors and four crop committees, farmer members have a direct say in how these funds are invested. More details on how check-off dollars are invested are available in our strategic plan and annual report.

MCA received its designation regulation to collect a mandatory check-off from all sales of spring wheat, winter wheat, barley, corn, sunflower and flax in Manitoba starting on Aug. 1, 2020. The check-off amounts are unchanged from what was in place with the five previously existing organizations and the check-off remains refundable.

Buyers of MCA Crop Types

If you are a purchaser of Manitoba-grown spring wheat, winter wheat, barley, grain corn, flax and/or sunflowers, you must register with MCA as per our designation regulation. Please email levy@mbcropalliance.ca for more information. 

For general inquiries on our provincially designated regulation to collect check-off, please email levy@mbcropalliance.ca.

Manitoba Crop Alliance Check-Off Amounts

Crop Type Check-Off Amount
Corn ½ of 1% of sales
Flax ½ of 1% of sales for flax and solin seed
1% of sales for flax and solin straw
Sunflower ½ of 1% of sales
Spring Wheat $1.00/tonne
Winter Wheat $0.98/tonne
Barley $1.06/tonne